Having a day that doesn’t go your way? Try these quick fixes


Tasks piling up and your hormones are going crazy on your red day? Or a neighbor has been singing his heart out when your side of the world badly craves for sleep? If you feel like throwing tantrums or sulking in a dark corner, try these scientifically-proven mood boosters to help turn your bad day around.

1. Drink water

If you have issues waiting to be resolved at work or things are getting out of a hand, a short pause and a glass of water will help you stabilize your mood.

In a study in China, a group of researchers said dehydration adversely affected the cognitive performances and mood of male college students. It said water deprivation “had negative effects on vigor and esteem-related affect” and “impaired the cognitive performance, such as that related to short-term memory and attention.”

Mindfulness also requires water, which improves your concentration, lessens confusions and headaches. In fact, a study by the University of Connecticut, researchers claimed that dehydrated people were “more cranky and fatigued.”

When you’re too busy, you may not feel thirst. But it would be nice to have a glass of water always handy– your body will definitely thank you.


2. Get some sunshine

We are not talking about expensive sunbathing at the beach. To enhance your mood and sleep quality, get more consistent daylight sun. Open up those curtains or move your work table near the window, whether you’re in the office or at home.

According to a study published on Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, those who spent their work hours in areas sans windows “had significantly worse scores” on physical well-being and vitality. Meanwhile, those who had more light exposure during work hours had longer and deeper sleep. A night of good rest will definitely improve your mood.


3. Fold that blanket and arrange your bedside

To clear your mind and eventually help improve your mood, start decluttering areas of your room. You don’t need to jump in on a floor-to-ceiling general cleaning. Start with your bed and fold that blanket or fluff your pillow. Accomplishing a small task will help rewire your brain and decrease levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.

Apparently, our parents were correct when they nagged us to clean the bedroom. A 2010 study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that “women with higher stressful home scores had increased depressed mood over the course of the day, whereas women with higher restorative home scores had decreased depressed mood over the day.”


4. Do deep breathing

That annoying colleague is humblebragging over Zoom again? Instead of ramming your office-issued laptop (and regret paying for repairs), do some simple breathing exercises. You would be surprised at how a minute of mindful breathing stopped you from having a bad day.

Try this guide. https://gph.is/g/amWP2Xy


5. Tame the tantrum with a tree

Scientific studies have proven that nature tremendously helped people under stress or trauma recover faster. But if you live in a city where buildings abound, or you’re trapped in a condo studio or a small room in your parent’s home that has no Instagrammable view, how do you manage? Go virtual. Google images of trees, find #treesofInstagram, view 3D of forests over Youtube. The sight of trees will help keep your calm.

If you’re lucky to be in an area surrounded by trees, take advantage and do a short walk. Not only will you benefit from fresh air; your body will also take in essences of plants and bacteria living on trees that will help you fight harmful microorganisms, according to this study.